Love Potion Cocktail

Homemade Raspberry Simple Syrup (that smells as sweet as perfume and tastes like heaven)
Reed’s Ginger Ale


Red Hots hearts

Served in a glass rimmed with Cherry Pop Rocks

Make it alcoholic with
a splash of Ginger Vodka, OR
a smidge of Cinnamon Schnapps


Ingredients for Raspberry Simple Syrup:

  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 cup Water
  • 2 ½ cups fresh Raspberries (2 6-ounce cartons)
  • Ingredients for Love Potion #9:
  • Cherry Pop Rocks (6 packages per 4 glasses)
  • Red Hots (6-8 per glass)
  • Raspberry Simple Syrup (2 tablespoons per glass)
  • Ginger Ale (8 ounces per glass), chilled



Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan over medium-high meat. Stir frequently to
dissolve the sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Simmer 5 minutes; smash the raspberries with a mixing spoon or whisk while simmering to break them up. Remove from heat and allow to steep until cool (approximately 1 hour). Strain through a fine mesh sieve and keep sealed in the refrigerator for use.

Rimming the Glass with Pop Rocks

Pour the pop rocks into a shallow saucer or other small plate. Pour some of the raspberry simple syrup into a bowl large enough for the top of the glass
to fit into. Turn a glass upside down and touch just the top of the glass opening to the simple syrup;
enough to moisten the rim only. Place the glass opening down in the plate of pop rocks and rotate from side to side to coat with pop rocks.


The pop rocks can gently be pushed toward the outside of the glass
to aid in coating. Place the glass, still upside down, onto a clean surface and allow to sit for the pop rocks to dry onto the glass (approximately 10 minutes). This aids in the adherence to the glass.